
세계일화 | [세계일화 5호] 인도에 불교박물관 생긴다

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작성자배수민 작성일11-07-14 14:41 조회2,563회 댓글0건


Buddha museum coming up in India


by Ayesha Arvind

2011-06-07 【Share to Friend】 【Print Friendly】 Related Link

GREATER NOIDA, India -- The life and teachings of Lord Buddha will soon be immortalized in a museum-cum-research centre solely dedicated to the seer and founder of Buddhism in Greater Noida. In its board meeting earlier last month, the Authority approved the construction of a state-of-the-art Buddhist Museum and Research Centre spread over 25 acres of land within the Gautam Budh University campus.

Estimated to cost Rs 84 crore, the museum, the first of its kind in the country, will house art galleries, research and development centre, exhibition centre, classrooms, sculpture sections and several cultural workshops. The museum will also have a cafe, multimedia rooms and expansive gardens.

According to the Authority officials, the aim of the project is to introduce the origin and history of Buddhism, as well as various cultural assets associated with the world renowned religion and above all provide at the same time, for those students and researchers studying about Buddhism, provide an avenue and resources for better understanding of Buddhism, said an Authority official.

Being designed and conceptualized by architecture firm CP Kukreja and Associates, the ambitious project will boast of novel design concepts that will integrate modernity with the vintage Buddhist architecture. Even though it will be an integral part of the university, it will be open to the public. The overall structure will blend with the existing landscape and yet have the character of a public space, says Dikshu Kukreja of the firm. Kukreja had also designed and conceptualized the Gautam Budh University.

While it will draw the obvious inspiration from Buddhist temples, museums and Nalanda University, the idea is to infuse modern elements like glass and concrete with the traditional features prevalent in Buddhist architecture, stressing on tranquility and natural lighting and sustainability. The main building will be of three-storeyed, however, it will be designed such that it will appear like a single, seamless structure, blending with the surrounding landscape, says Kukreja. Use of glass instead of pillars will give it an open feel and provide ample natural lighting.

The concept and the design of the magnificent structure is ready, work on the same will begin in about two months and will be completed within 18 months.

The Museum will also exhibit precious antiques statues and sculptures and architectural remains related to the life and teachings of Buddha and his followers. Currently, the architects are working out collaborations with various indigenous and foreign museums and universities to source and collect specimens. They are also aiming at coordinating with other cultural and educational organizations for disseminating Indian and particularly Buddhist philosophy and culture.

We are finalizing one such collaboration with Ryokuku University in Japan that already houses a Buddhist Museum. We are also working out several such collaborations, Dikshu Kukreja says.

인도- 부처님의 삶과 가르침이 곧 인도 그레아터 노이다에 있는 박물관 겸 연구센터에 영구 보존된다. 지난 달 이사회에서 관계자들은 고담부드대학의 25에이커의 땅에 첨단수준의 불교박물관과 연구센터의 설립을 승인했다. 미술관·연구소·전시관·강의실·조각전시실과 문화 센터 등이 들어선다. 또한 카페, 영상실과 넓은 정원도 갖출 예정이다. 이 프로젝트는 불교의 기원과 역사 등 문화유산을 소개하고 무엇보다도 불교를 공부하는 학생과 연구자들에게 불교를 잘 이해할 수 있도록 자료와 접근수단을 제공하려 한다. 고대 불교건축양식과 현대성을 통합한 참신한 개념의 디자인으로 지어지며, 주변 경관과의 조화와 대중을 위한 공간적 성격도 고려된다. 이 거대한 건축물은 두 달 후에 시작해 18개월 내에 완성될 것이다.

현재 건축가는 국내외의 박물관, 대학 등 문화와 교육 관련 단체들과도 협력하여 자료를 모으고, 불교철학과 문화를 알리기 위해 노력하고 있다. 불교박물관이 있는 일본 료코쿠대학과의 협력도 완성단계에 있다.

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