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작성자배수민 작성일11-07-14 14:44 조회2,355회 댓글0건페이지주소
- 8.bmp (87.8K) 1회 다운로드 DATE : 2011-07-14 14:44:03
Historic Wesak Celebrations in Selangor
The Buddhist Channel
by Loka S K Ng
2011-06-09 【Share to Friend】 【Print Friendly】
Shah Alam, Selangor (Malaysia) -- Local history was created on Sunday June 5, 2011 when more than 1,200 people gathered at the Auditorium Dewan Jubli Perak in Shah Alam to attend the first ever Selangor State Level Wesak Celebrations.
The event signified a breakthrough for the state and the nation as this was the first time that Wesak was acknowlegded on an official level by any state or federal government since the country's independence.
The event was attended by the Menteri Besar (Chief Minister) of Selangor Tan Sri Dato' Seri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim. Accompanying him was Selangor State Assembly Speaker Dato' Teng Chang Khim, Exco member Ean Yong Hian Wah and organizing chairman Loka Ng Sai Kai, who is also the Buddhist representative to the Selangor State non-Muslims Committee.
Others who were present during that memorable night include senior monks from all Buddhist traditions namely Venerable Jue Cheng of Fo Guang San Malaysia, Ven. Datuk Dhammaratana Maha Thera of Buddhist Maha Vihara and Ven. Yango Rinpoche of Vajrayana Buddhist Council Malaysia, leaders from more than 45 Buddhist organization based in Selangor and president of the Malaysia Consultative Council for Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism Rev Dr. Phillips Thomas. A group of international students from nearby universities also attended the celebration.
Tan Sri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim in his speech praised the Buddhist community for their contribution through welfare, social and educational programs carried out by various groups in the state. Khalid also shared his concern on the need of more land to build Buddhist temples to cater for the increasing number of Buddhist devotees especially in urban areas. He also proposed that from next year onwards the annual Wesak float procession organized by Buddhist groups in Petaling Jaya and Seri Kembangan to be included in the annual tourism calendar of Selangor.
The celebration was injected with performances by some of the popular Buddhist performing groups in the country, such as Messengers of Dharma, i.gemz, Bodhi Group, One Voice One Melody and Mahindarama Sunday Pali School. Dances were presented by the internationally acclaimed Dua Space and the Temple of Fine Arts. The Fo Guang San 24 Seasons Drum Troupe also gave a splendid performance.
말레이시아- 6월 5일 1천2백여 명이 샨 아람에 있는 데완 뷰블리 페락 대강당에 모여 지역 역사를 새롭게 썼다. 이는 말레이시아 독립 이후 처음으로 웨삭이 공식 인정된 경이적인 사건이다.
세란고르의 도지사와 말레이시아 불광산사의 주청스님, 마하정사의 다툭 다마라타나 스님, 금강승 불교위원회의 얀고 린포체 등 불교와 각 종교의 지도자들이 참석했다. 도지사 칼리드는 불교사회가 복지와 사회, 교육 프로그램을 통해서 사회에 공헌함을 치하했다. 칼리드는 또한 도시에 증가하는 불교신자들을 수용할 수 있는 사찰건립의 필요성에 대해 관심을 표했다. 행사에는 인기 있는 불교 공연 팀인 달마메신저와 보디그룹 등도 참여했다. 한편, 국제적인 명성을 얻고 있는 두아 스페이스 등이 춤을 선보였고 불광산사의 24절기 드럼 팀이 황홀한 공연을 펼쳤다.
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