
코로나19 바이러스 극복을 위한 기도문(영어 버전)

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 작성일20-03-31 10:56 조회2,589회 댓글0건



Prayer for the Victory Against the Novel Coronavirus



We pray and take refuge in Lord Buddha,

Who leads all beings

Withinfinite compassion and wisdom.


Lord Buddha has enlightened us to the reality,

Where we owe every breath we take

To the harmony and purity

Of all living beings,

To the clean earth, air and water.


I offer my ardent prayer

In gratitude for

Everything that engenders my becoming,

All previous living beings

That are part and parcel of who I am.


I sincerely reflect and deeplyrepent of having

Threatened the life of other creatures

Greedy of profits enriching humans,

Alienated neighbors and

Damaged the solidarity of the community

Out of misplaced avarice,

Which is the true cause of

This sickness that are menacing the Earth.


Every existence is sacred, every life form precious.

I pray with faith that fills my whole heart,

That everyone will rise again above this illness

With the purity of mind and body.

Me, my family and my neighbors

Are all in this together.

I fervently pray

Everyone in this world

Transcend race, religion, class and national borders

To encourage each other,

To work harmoniously together and

Overcome the calamity that has befallen us.


Nothing can be nobler than

Saving lives, deserving of the greatest merits.

I pray with all my heart for the health and happiness of

Those who treat and care for the sick

And join in their Bodhisattva practice.


I hereby pray and dedicate my practice

Wishing the whole world

To work side by side in harmony

To overcome this crisis and

Walk together the path of

Forever lasting peace and happiness.


Please accept my aspiration made with utmost sincerity.






I bow in homage to Medicine Buddha

I bow in homage to Medicine Buddha

I bow in homage to Medicine Buddharesiding in the Eastern Emerald World


출처 : 조계종 홈페이지


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