
십계 _ The Ten Precepts (十戒; Sipgye)

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작성자성심행 작성일16-04-21 15:50 조회3,131회 댓글0건


The Ten Precepts (十戒; Sipgye)
Precepts for Bhikkhus and Bhikkhunis (
比丘·比丘尼戒; Bigu-gye & Biguni-gye) 비구-비구니계


The ten precepts (十戒) are also called “precepts for novices (沙彌戒; samigye)” as they are observed by novice monks (沙彌; śrāmaṇera; Kr. sami) and nuns (沙彌尼; śrāmaṇerī; Kr. samini). “Sami (沙彌)” is a transliteration of the Sanskrit “śrāmaṇera,” which means “to cease from unwholesome deeds and do works of compassion (息慈).” In other words, it means to cease from being influenced by the secular world and to save sentient beings through compassion.

The ten precepts are as follows.

1.      Refrain from killing (不殺生; pāṇātipātāveramaṇi)

2.      Refrain from stealing (不偸盜; adinnādānāver)

3.      Refrain from sexual misconduct (不邪; abrahmacaryaver)

4.      Refrain from false speech (不妄語; musāvādāver)

5.      Refrain from intoxicants (不飮酒; suramereyya-majjapamādaṭṭhānāver)

6.      Refrain from eating at improper times (不非時食; vikāla-bhojanāver)

7.      Refrain from watching or engaging in dancing, singing and performances
不歌舞觀聽; nacca-gīta-vādita-visūkadassanāver)

8.      Refrain from adorning oneself with garlands, perfumes and ointments
不塗飾香鬘; mālā-gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūṣanaṭṭhānā)

9.      Refrain from sleeping on an elevated bed

       (不坐高廣大牀; uccāsayanā-mahāsayanā)

10.  Refrain from having gold and silver

      (不蓄金銀寶; jātarūpa-rajata-paṭīggahaṇāver)

- excerpt from Buddhist English (Intermediate 2) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

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