[종단자료]자은스님의 국제 불교 웹사이트 리스트(국문및 영문)
페이지 정보
작성자관리자 작성일08-08-28 16:52 조회5,845회 댓글0건첨부파일
자은스님 불교웹사이트 리스트.doc (63.5K) 48회 다운로드 DATE : 2008-08-28 16:52:15
한국에서 수행중이신 카나다 자은스님께서 정리하신 자료입니다.
국제불교 관련 사이트 (한글 사이트)
종단 국제불교 자료실 http://www.buddhism.or.kr/library/board/list.asp?board_seq=124
-Jogye Order Korean language site
국제포교사회(조계종 국제포교사회): www.idia.or.kr
-International Dharma Teacher's Association site. There is a button for an English version, but it is underdeveloped, has very little content and existing content is out of date.
불교신문 국제뉴스: http://www.buddhistnews.net/news/list.asp?cat_seq=13
-Bulgyo shin mun (Buddhist Newspaper), Korean language site.
-can register as a member but need a Korean national registration number to sign up, so non-Koreans cannot become members.
미주 현대불교(미주 한국불교 및 여타불교 소개): http://cafe.daum.net/mobuddhism
-This blog has a range of articles and news, and news about Korean Buddhism in the USA, in Korean, for Koreans.
세계불교도청년우의회(한국지부 사이트): www.wfbykorea.org
-One of the Korean Regional Centers of WFBY(World Fellowship of Buddhist Youth).
미국불교정보 다음 카페(이종권 국제포교사): http://cafe.daum.net/dharmaboom
-Cannot sign up without a Korean national registration number. There is a button for foreign sign up, but if you click on it, it says it can't be used within Korea, so non-Koreans in Korea cannot read any articles, and it is impossible for me to know what kind of content there is.
영어불교도서관: www.bels.kr
-Home page of Buddhist English Library in Korea.
국제불교 관련 사이트 (영문 사이트)
조계종 국제사이트(조계종 불교소개 및 교리): www.koreanbuddhism.net
-Jogye Order English language website
부다넷(불교정보 및 교육 포털사이트): www.buddhanet.net
-Buddha Dharma Education Asscociation, Inc.
부디스트 채널(국제불교뉴스 웹사이트): http://www.buddhistchannel.tv/
-Up to date global buddhist news site. Very good coverage and updated daily.
관음선종 http://www.kwanumzen.com/
-Home page of the Kwanum School of Zen, an international organisation founded by Korean Seon Master Seung San
세계불교웹링크(세계불교): www.buddhism.org
-Digital International Buddhist Organization. DIBO is a non-porfitable organization of buddhists, organized in Korea.
"Our purpose and missions are to propagate the Buddha's teaching through the internet, perform the process of electronizing sutras and buddhist study, and help self-practice for buddhists. We also collect and organize all of the homepages about buddhism around world."
-has some lists of sites, doesn't look like it has a lot of information. News section is empty.
달마넷(국제불교포털): http://www.dharmanet.org/
'The new DharmaNet is providing an independent, non-sectarian informational and educational resource on Buddhism to the ever-widening world-wide audience of people impacted by Buddhism.' DharmaNet is an initiative of Ashoka, an electronic dharma university
EBU 유럽불교연맹: http://www.e-b-u.org/home.html
-The European Buddhist Union (EBU) is network of Buddhist communities and organizations in Europe. As a union it is broad, impartial and open to Buddhists of all schools and traditions.
Its principal aims are to promote the fellowship of and encourage co-operation between the Buddhists in Europe.
WFB 세계불교도우의회(승재가 포괄 국제 불교단체): http://www.wfb-hq.org/
-World Fellowship of Buddhists homepage. The Aims and Objectives of the World Fellowship of Buddhists are:
1. To promote among the members strict observance and practice
of the teachings of the Buddha;
2. To secure unity, solidarity, and brotherhood amongst Buddhists;
3. To propagate the sublime doctrine of the Buddha;
4. To organize and carry on activities in the field of social, educational,
cultural and other humanitarian services;
5. To work for happiness, harmony and peace on earth and to
collaborate with other organizations working for the same ends.
-Does not appear to be very active or updated regularly.
WBF 세계불교논단(중국 주도의 불교포럼): http://www.wbf.net.cn/english/default.htm
-Home page(English version) of World Buddhist Forum sponsored by Chinese government.
사캬디타(국제여성불교연합) http://www.sakyadhita.org/
-Sakyadhita is the name of the International Association of Buddhist Women. Organizes semi-annual conferences on topics related to women in Buddhism and projects related to supporting Buddhist women. Information on issues relevant to Bikkhuni ordination, and issues related to Women in Buddhism. Archives of articles.
세계불교승가회(대만 주도의 국제승가조직): http://wbsc886.org/
-Word Buddhist Sangha Council. The objectives of the WBSC are:
1. Developing the organizations and exchanges of sanhga worldwide.
2. Helping sangha carry out dhammaduta activities throughout the world.
3. Enhancing harmony and relationship among different Buddhist traditions.
4. Propagating Buddha’s teaching of compassion to promote world peace.
BPF 불교도 평화 우의회(인간성·환경·사회정의-참여불교 조직): http://www.bpf.org/html/home.html
-Buddhist Peace Fellowship. The mission of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship (BPF), founded in 1978, is to serve as a catalyst for socially engaged Buddhism. (American)
INEB 국제 참여불교네트웍(국제참여불교 네트웍): http://www.inebnetwork.org/en/
-The International Network of Engaged Buddhists. It is a distinguish network of activists, spiritual leaders and academics, mainly Buddhists of all sects, at international level that addresses the social issue and commits the social services based on spirituality with collaboration from non-Buddhist fellows.
티벳 망명정부 사이트(달라이라마): http://www.tibet.net/
-The official web site of the Tibetan Administration
플럼 빌리지(틱냣한 스님): http://www.plumvillage.org/
-Web site of Plum Village, founded by Vietnamese Master Thich Nhat Hanh
대만 불광산사: http://www.blia.org/english/
-English website of FoGuangShan Monastery Taiwan. Official name of the organization is ‘Buddha Light International Association’.
자재 공덕회: http://www.tzuchi.org/
-Tzu Chi Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 1966 by Dharma Master Cheng Yen in the impoverished east coast of Taiwan. The Foundation has been contributing to better social and community services, medical care, education and humanism in Taiwan for nearly 40 years.
SGI 국제사이트(일본 창가학회): http://www.sgi.org/
-Soka Gakkai International (SGI), an international organization embraces Nichiren Buddhism. Promotes peace and education along Buddhist principles. Up to date with many articles and news.
와일드 마인드: www.wildmind.org
-Wildmind is run by Bodhipaksa, a Buddhist teacher and author who has been practicing within the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order since 1982 and a member of the Western Buddhist Order since 1993. Wildmind’s activities include:
-Providing free information about meditation on the internet in a variety of languages
-Publishing guided meditation CDs
-Conducting online classes in meditation and other forms of Buddhist practice
-Providing support to prison inmates by running classes in prisons and donating resources to individual prisoners and to prison libraries
-Offers online courses related to meditation (for a fee).
카나다불교: www.buddhismcanada.com
-Lists of Buddhist centres in Canada with links and contact information, and list of Canadian Buddhist web sites.
붓다락(현대불교 참신한 사이트): http://buddharocks.org
-The function of this portal is to bring together a community of Buddhists and spiritual seekers. It provides an avenue to inform, discuss, learn, share, socialize, trade and contribute towards Buddhism and the world at large, in a contemporary fashion.
Seems like a pop-culture site with Buddhist content.
New sites added to Mr. Hong's List!
(Dharamsala, India)
Thösamling means Place for hearing, study and reflection of the Buddha’s Teaching. A Non-sectarian Nunnery Following the advice of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the nunnery will encourage interaction among the four great lineages of Buddhism by welcoming nuns and teachers from each of these lineages. While the teachers we invite will be chosen on the basis of their qualification, a special effort will be made to invite women who have established their credentials as Buddhist teachers and practitioners.
Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery in Northern India, founded by the well known Western Bikkhuni, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
Dharamsala information resource. Information and many links with relation to Buddhist activites and news from the Tibetan community in exile.
UCLA Center for Buddhist Studies. One of the best programs in the West for Korean Buddhist studies. In 2008, Korean Buddhist specialist Robert Buswell became the president of the Association for Asian Studies, the largest group of its kind.
The Journal of Global Buddhism is a scholarly academic journal employing a blind peer review evaluation process, and is innovative in adopting a totally electronic mode of publication. The Journal of Global Buddhism interprets "global" in a broad geographic and sociological sense, but with a particular focus on developments in industrialized, non-Asian countries. The primary subjects considered by the journal include:
1. Historical Studies
2. Transnational Studies
3. Issues in the Development of Buddhist Traditions
4. Case Studies and Biographical Studies
5. Survey Results and Their Interpretation
6. Research Bibliographies
7. Human Rights Issues and Socially Engaged Buddhism
8. Interfaith Dialogue
9. Theoretical and Methodological Studies
Award winning scholarly online journal containing articles relating to Buddhist ethics. The journal has been online since 1994 and is published yearly.
Charles muller's on line Resources for East Asian Language and Thought, including the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism. Has good bibliographic resources for Buddhist studies including Korean Buddhism.
Access to Insight is an Internet web site dedicated to providing accurate, reliable, and useful information concerning the practice and study of Theravada Buddhism. The site comprises a library of more than nine hundred suttas and several hundred articles and books.
The Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO) is an international network dedicated to communicating Buddhist truths in ways appropriate to the modern world. So, the FWBO is an ecumenical movement, aligned to no one traditional school, but drawing on the whole stream of Buddhist inspiration.
Website of Tricycle, the Buddhist magazine. Lots of interesting articles and archives.
Website of The Shamabhala Sun, a Buddhist magazine.
Mandala is the official publication of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT), an international charitable organization founded more than thirty years ago by two Tibetan masters, Lama Thubten Yeshe (1935-1984) and Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche.
The Object of the Society is to publish and make known the principles of the major Buddhist Schools and traditions and to encourage the study and practice of those principles. Today, still faithful to its Objects, the Buddhist Society provides classes and courses in the teachings of the major Buddhist traditions, as well as a general introduction to Buddhism and its historical development.
Founded by Christmas Humphreys.
Prison Dharma Network (PDN) is an international, nonsectarian, contemplative support network for prisoners, prison volunteers, and corrections professionals. PDN's mission is to provide prisoners, and those who work with them, with the most effective contemplative tools for self-transformation and rehabilitation.
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