
팔정도_ The Noble Eightfold Path

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작성자성심행 작성일16-04-21 13:50 조회4,214회 댓글0건


The Noble Eightfold Path

The Noble Eightfold Path lists the eight practices we must perfect in order to remove afflictions and suffering and to attain nirvana.

    Right View (Samma-ditthi): To understand things as they are. Ultimately it refers to the understanding of the Four Noble Truths.

    Right Thought (Samma-sankappa): Selfless thought transcending personal desires, which can be extended to all beings. To have thoughts of love and non-violence.

   Right Speech (Samma-vaca): In daily life, speak without doing these four things: lying, spreading rumors or slandering, fomenting problems between others, and pointless chattering.

   Right Action (Samma-kanmmanta): To act in right and ethical ways. That is, to refrain from killing, stealing, intoxicants and sexual misconduct.

   Right Livelihood (Samma-ajiva): To not make a living from jobs which may cause harm to others, but from jobs which are honorable and respectable.

   Right Effort (Samma-vayama): The effort to discard harmful states that have arisen and to prevent harmful states from arising; and the effort to promote the arising of beneficial states and to preserve beneficial states that have arisen.

    Right Mindfulness (Samma-sati): It means to become fully aware of oneself and one’s surroundings with right mindfulness in order to practice Right Thought and Right Concentration.

   Right Concentration (Samma-samadhi): Meditative concentration which can be attained by practitioners when they extinguish desires. Right Concentration provides a foundation for the perfect practice of Right View, Right Speech and Right Livelihood.

- excerpt from Buddhist English (Elementary 2) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


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