
육도윤회 _ Samsara, the cycle of conditioned existence and suffering

페이지 정보

작성자성심행 작성일16-04-21 14:43 조회3,818회 댓글0건


Samsara, the cycle of conditioned existence and suffering

Sentient beings crave pleasure and hate pain. In being controlled by these attitudes, they perpetuate the cycle of conditioned existence and suffering, and produce the causes and conditions of the next rebirth after death. Each rebirth repeats this process in an involuntary cycle. Buddhists strive to end this cycle by eradicating the causes and conditions.

According to Buddhism there ultimately is no such thing as a self independent from the rest of the universe. Rebirth in subsequent existences must be understood as the continuation of a dynamic, ever-changing process of "dependent arising" determined by one's karma.

Each rebirth takes place within one of the six realms.

 1. Hell

 2. Hungry ghosts

 3. Animals

 4. Asuras: demons

 5. Human beings
 6. Heavenly beings: Devas




- excerpt from Buddhist English (Elementary 1) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism​ 


출처 : 조계종 홈페이지



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