
명상 _ Meditation

페이지 정보

작성자성심행 작성일16-04-21 16:03 조회3,255회 댓글0건



In Buddhism, meditation means to turn one’s mind inward and pacify it. Buddhists practice meditation to attain enlightenment. The Buddha and the patriarchs taught various kinds of meditation. Meditation can be practiced any time and any place whether one is walking, standing, sitting or lying down. However, it is the sitting meditation that is emphasized most in Buddhism. Before entering into meditation, a preliminary exercise is usually required to calm and purify one’s body and mind.


The Buddha said one can develop two qualities through consistent meditation, those being: “calm-abiding” (samatha) which helps keep the mind calm and concentrated; and “insight” (vipassana) through which one may penetrate one’s own mental fabrications.

- excerpt from Buddhist English (Elementary 2) published in 2014 by the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

출처 : 조계종 홈페이지


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