
2018 년 국제포교사회 자타카 암송대회 영문 자료 및 녹음 파일 1-시체 흉내를 냈던 아기사슴

페이지 정보

작성자최고관리자 작성일17-11-10 14:12 조회3,106회 댓글0건



내년 1월, 국제포교사회 주관으로 있을 자타카 암송대회 초등학교 1~4학년용 대본 및 녹음 파일 입니다. 법회에 이용해 보시길 바라는 마음에 올립니다.

The Fawn Who Played Dead

시체 흉내를 냈던 아기사슴


Once upon a time, there were a herd of forest deer. In this herd was a wise and respected teacher, cunning in the ways of deer. He taught the tricks and strategies of survival to the young fawns.

One day, his young sister brought her son to him, to be taught what is so important for deer. The young deer came to the lessons as he was supposed to. When others cut classes to spend all day playing, he remained and paid attention to the good teacher. Being curious to learn, he was always on time for the lessons.

One day, the fawn stepped in a trap in the forest and was captured.

He cried out in great pain. This frightened the other fawns, who ran back to the herd and told his mother. She was terrified, and ran to her brother the teacher. Trembling with fear, crying big tears, she said to him, " How can I save my little child's life?" Her brother said, "He studied hard and always did his very best. I am confident he will return to you. He has learned all the tricks and strategies used by deer to cheat the hunters. So be patient. He will return."

Meanwhile, the trapped fawn was thinking. "All my friends were afraid and ran away. There is no one to help me get out of this deadly trap. Now I must use the tricks and strategies I learned from the wise teacher who taught so well."

The deer strategy he decided to use was the one called, 'playing dead'. First, he used his hoofs to dig up the dirt and grass, to make it look like he had tried very hard to escape. Then he relieved his bowels and released his urine, because this is what happens when a deer is caught in a trap and dies in very great fear. Next, he covered his body with his own saliva. Lying stretched out on his side, he held his body rigidly and stiffened his legs out straight. He turned up his eyes, and let his tongue hang out of the side of his mouth. He filled his lungs with air and puffed out his belly. Finally, with his head leaning on one side, he breathed through the nostril next to the ground, not through the upper one. Lying motionless, he looked so much like a stiff corpse that flies flew around him, attracted by the awful smells. Crows stood nearby waiting to eat his flesh.

Before long, it was early morning and the hunter came to inspect his traps. Finding the fawn who was playing dead, he slapped the puffed up belly and found it stiff. Since he completely believed the deer was dead, he removed and cleaned the trap, and began spreading leaves to make a place to do the butchering.

Realizing he was free, the fawn suddenly sprang to his feet. He ran like a little cloud blown by a swift wind, back to the comfort and safety of his mother. The whole herd celebrated his survival, thanks to learning so well from the wise teacher.

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