
능인선원 지광스님 영어법회:10월11일(토)15:00,능인선원 소법당

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작성자관리자 작성일08-10-04 03:58 조회6,218회 댓글0건




◆ 주 제 : With Faith, We Can Do Anything
               (믿음을 가지면, 무엇이든 할 수 있다.)

◆ 시 간 : 2008년 10월 11일(토) 오후3시 (15시)

◆ 장 소 :
능인선원 소법당 

◆ 대 상 :  영어법문에 관심 있으신 분 누구나 환영합니다.

관심있으신 분은 누구나 참석하실 수 있읍니다. 

※ 매월 1회 둘째 주 토요일 실시합니다.

영어법문 영문요약

With faith, We Can Do Anything<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

                                                                                                          Venerable Jigwang



Who am I?  This is the ultimate mystery.  This self-questioning is the main practice of Korean Buddhism.  We call it Hwadu practice.  This practice leads us directly to enlightenment.  For most of us, we do not question deeply the nature of our being.  We are content to live simply for worldly pleasures such as fame and recognition, power and money, praise and adoration, and physical gratifications.  If these worldly pleasures could bring lasting and true happiness, they would be worthwhile pursuits.  The truth is that worldly pleasures are a trap.  We indulge these pleasures, but soon they fade away.  Then, we suffer from not having and wanting more.  This is a vicious and endless cycle called Samsara, the wheel of existence. 



Samsara, or our life is very up and down.  We are very happy one day and sad the next.  Sometimes people say the nicest things about us and we are overjoyed.  Then, people say the worst things and we are depressed.  Today, we are powerful, respected, and rich, but in a single day, we can become poor, hated, and disgraced.  Life is unpredictable!  What a waste of time and energy to become rich and powerful, to lose it all in a day.  This is the tragic nature of our existence.  Nothing lasts.  We invest our time and energy on pointless goals.  We want to build our reputation, our wealth, and our fame.  We invest everything for this short life.  What pleasure could we derive from a good legacy, buried deep within the earth?

Conversely, there is a bright and wonderful side to our existence.  Beyond the fleeting pleasures and pains of existence, there is something permanent and infinitely wonderful.  This is our true nature to be gained through spiritual practice.  Compared to this, worldly pleasures are suffering.  If we invest our time in this, it will give fruit infinitely.  If we invest our time in increasing our wealth and recognition, it may give fruit, but suffering follows closely behind.  There is no finality in worldly pursuits.  “Happily ever after” is a very convincing and pervasive lie.  However, spiritual practice will ultimately bring permanent happiness.



Hwadu is the most direct path to enlightenment, which is freedom from Samsara.  It questions deeply and sincerely the nature of our being.  Who am I?  It is a simple and powerful method to ultimate truth and ultimate peace.  This is a worthwhile investment.  The fruits are not for this life alone, but for eternity. 



For spiritual practice, faith is essential.  Faith is what makes a person Buddhist, or Christian, or Muslim, and so forth.  Faith is the beginning of spiritual practice.  When faith becomes a certainty, we will be enlightened.  Faith in the Buddha as a holy being, faith in the Dharma as the way to enlightenment, and faith in the enlightened masters; is what make a person Buddhist.  This faith is called, “taking refuge.”  When we take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, we can begin Buddhist practice.  Here is a story from the time of Lord Buddha:

South of Sravasti is a great river, on the banks of which lay a hamlet of five hundred houses.  Thinking of the salvation of the people, Lord Buddha resolved to go to the village and preach the doctrine.  Having come to the riverside, he sat down beneath a tree.  The villagers seeing the glory of his appearance approached him with reverence; but when he began to preach, they believed him not. 

When Lord Buddha had left Sravasti, Shariputra felt a desire to see the Lord and to hear him preach.  Coming to the river where the water was deep and the current strong, he said to himself, "This stream shall not prevent me. I shall go and see the Blessed One, and he stepped upon the water which was as firm under his feet as a slab of granite. When he arrived at a place in the middle of the stream where the waves were high, Shariputra's heart gave way, and he began to sink. Nevertheless, rousing his faith and renewing his mental effort, he proceeded as before and reached the other bank. 

The people of the village were astonished to see Shariputra, and they asked how he could cross the stream where there was neither a bridge nor a ferry.  Shariputra replied, "I lived in ignorance until I heard the voice of the Buddha.  As I was eager to hear the doctrine of salvation, I crossed the river and I walked over its troubled waters because I had faith.  Faith, nothing else, enabled me to do so.  Now, I am here in the bliss of the Master's presence."

Lord Buddha said, "Shariputra, thou hast spoken well.  Faith like yours alone can save the world from the yawning gulf of migration and enable men to walk dry-shod to the other shore."  And the Blessed One urged the villagers to ever advance in the conquest of sorrow and of casting off all shackles so as to cross the river of worldliness and attain deliverance from death.  Hearing the words of the Tathagata, the villagers were filled with joy and believing in the doctrines of the Blessed One embraced the five vows and took refuge in his name.


Anything can be Accomplished through Faith!

If we have faith, all our wishes will come true.  When the mind is free of doubt, we can accomplish anything.  Faith is the basis to receive the blessings of the universe. <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Korea was listed as the poorest country in the world a little more than 50 years ago.  It was ravaged by foreign occupation and war.  Now, Korea is the world’s 13th largest economy. 

Koreans used a “can do spirit” as the basis for this economic miracle.  The “can do spirit” is the heart of the Korean mentality.

The main difference between a winner and a loser is their belief.  A winner thinks positively, “I can do it.  I have the ability.”  A loser thinks negatively, “How can someone like me do such a thing?  I don’t have the ability.”  We should check carefully to see if have positive, “can do” thoughts or negative, “cannot do” thoughts.  If we have “cannot do” thoughts, we should reverse those into “can do” thoughts.  Surely, this will have a very positive influence on our lives.  We must have faith.  Enlightenment can only be gained through faith.


Empty our minds!

If we are to climb a high mountain, we should travel light.  The lighter our baggage the faster will be our ascent.  Likewise, in life, we should live simply.  We should dump our extra baggage, both material and mental.  We have so much junk in our minds and our houses.  If we can empty our minds and houses, we will find peace and wisdom.  A very good Feng Shui practice is to get rid of the clutter.  If, we can remove the things that clutter our living and working environments, our minds will also be more clean and clear.  Our working and living environments can be good indications of how clear our minds are.  Wisdom is inherent in us.  We must throw away the clutter of negative thinking for it to manifest. 


With our thoughts, we make the world!

In the Dharmapada, we read:


We are what we think.                               

All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world.     

Speak or act with an impure mind
And trouble will follow you                       

As the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.
We are what we think.                               

All that we are arises with our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make the world.     

Speak or act with a pure mind
And happiness will follow you                   

As your shadow, unshakable.


When a negative thought arises, another will follow.  Then another, then another, making a chain that binds us.  We must watch for such black thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.  One negative thought can lead to a very long time of suffering, just as a spark of fire can set ablaze an entire forest.  Conversely, a positive thought can produce great results, just as a small seed can produce an immense tree.  We should watch for our tendencies to be negative and put a stop to them.  It is all too easy to be negative, whereas being positive can take some effort.  Everything becomes easier through habituation.  We can make our thoughts and our world more and more positive by practice.   


Transforming Suffering

When we encounter difficulties, we must try our best to maintain our positive minds.  At these times, we must apply the Dharma.  Difficulties make us stronger.  They are blessings from Lord Buddha.  Suffering makes us more humble, more grateful, and more eager to practice Dharma. 



Of the six perfections of Buddhism, the first is giving.  It is through giving, we make people happy.  All of us live by the generosity of others.  If we only receive and not give back, we will be poor in future lives.  Not giving creates a hungry ghost mentality.  Not giving is the cause of future poverty.  It also makes us feel poor. If we are poor in this life, it is because we did not give in the past.  Instead of trying to get rich, we should practice giving.  Giving is the cause of future wealth.  Giving creates a big heart.  Giving makes us feel rich.  When there is an opportunity to give, we should give, especially to the poor and needy.  The more we can give, the more we will receive.  Our mind creates so many excuses not to give.  Instead, we should create reasons to give.  Giving is the antidote to greed.  Giving brings contentment, which is the true wealth.  It brings happiness to others.  It is the first practice of Buddhism.



Lord Buddha said:

Let those who desire Buddhahood not train in many Dharmas but only one.  Which one?  Great compassion.  Those with great compassion possess all the Buddha’s teachings as if it were in the palm of their hand.”


We are all alike in wanting to be happy and not wanting to suffer.  Then, how is it that we should only take care of me and not others.  The source of happiness is to take care of others.  The source of suffering is to watch out only for me.  Compassion brings every joy and goodness.   I pray we may never part from the compassionate heart.

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