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작성자배수민 작성일11-07-14 14:47 조회2,227회 댓글0건페이지주소
Meditation at Home to Keep you Fresh for Whole Day
Many people feel stressed and over-worked because of the hectic pace and demands of modern lifestyle. Our stress and tiredness makes us unhappy, impatient and frustrated and can even affect our health.
Meditation can help us get out from this situation. Meditation is the term used to describe a state of concentrated attention, which involves specific attention on the mind itself. It has originated out of Buddhism, and has been practiced for thousands of years. It can be practiced anywhere, even at home. Practicing meditation at home is just like practicing it anywhere else. All is needed is just a little corner in a quiet room. Also there are many guided meditation tapes out there that are fantastic to begin with.
Advantages of meditation:
• It can help us understand our own mind and thus transforming it from disturbed to peaceful.
• Overcoming negative thoughts and cultivating constructive thoughts.
• Relieves one from tension and stress.
• It is good for health.
• It makes you more productive.
• It supers charges your energy level.
There are 4 areas to pay attention on, namely:
• Body: Actively monitoring body movements and actions.
• Feelings: Having knowledge of feelings, either pleasant & unpleasant or neutral.
• Mind-states: States in which mind is, namely happiness, sadness, calm, elation, etc.
• Mental contents: The concepts, ideas and thoughts in mind.
There are lots of different ways that you can use to meditate.
Each way has roughly the same result. It’s just a different way to reach that result. Some of the most popular meditation methods that can be practiced at home are:
• Walking meditation: It is one of the most popular and easiest methods of meditation, all you have to do is have a regular walk that’s around 15 to 20 minutes in your garden area. The beauty of a walking meditation is that you can use time that would otherwise be wasted.
• Breathing meditation: Just find a quiet place where you are unlikely to be disturbed. Breathe in long, slow, deep breaths and if you feel comfortable then hold in your breath for a short while before releasing it, and then breathe out slowly. Repeat the process several times.
• Binaural beats meditation: When our brain receives two tones, each slightly different, it goes into a state of meditation. It is one of the easiest methods and one can enter deep meditative state just by listening to some mp3 files just for 30 to 60 minutes.
• Cosmic meditation: It involves dropping into a state of meditation and then asking the cosmos to “deliver” something into your life. Cosmic meditation is normally performed with a guided meditation.
• Guided meditation: There are lots of pre-recorded guided meditations available on the internet. They cover all sorts of topics from general relaxation through to healing and contacting your higher self. A guided meditation can be performed in person or by listening to an MP3 audio file and typically lasts between 20 and 60 minutes.
Meditation at home has several advantages over meditating at any other place. Having a meditation area in a home will make it possible for one to meditate at anytime they have available since not everyone who can benefit from meditation is able to take time out of their day to drive somewhere and meditate. Meditation helps us to stay healthy with minimal effort and relieves our mind from stress and tension, helping to create positive environment around an individual and thus increasing productivity.
현대를 사는 많은 사람들이 바쁜 일과로 고되고 피곤한 하루를 보낸다. 우리는 스트레스와 피로로 불행을 느끼고 조급해져 잘 참지 못하고 건강마저 위협받는다. 참선은 우리를 이런 상황에서 구해줄 수 있다. 참선은 마음 자체를 포함한 대상에 집중하는 주의력을 말하고 불교에서 유래해 수천 년 동안 수행되어 왔다. 집에서의 수행은 다른 곳에서의 수행과 다름없다. 조용하고 작은 방 하나로도 충분하다.
참선의 이익
*우리의 마음을 이해하고 혼돈에서 평화로움으로 바꿀 수 있다.
*부정적인 생각을 극복하고 건설적인 생각을 기른다.
*긴장과 스트레스를 덜어준다.
*건강에 좋다.
*생산적인 삶을 살게 한다.
*에너지를 최고로 높여준다.
알아차릴 네 가지 대상
*몸: 몸의 움직임과 활동을 적극적으로 살피기
*느낌: 기쁘거나 불쾌하거나 무덤덤한 감정을 알아채기
*마음상태: 행복하고 슬프고 고요하고 들뜬 마음의 상태
*정신구조: 마음속의 개념, 생각들
집에서 하는 참선은 시간이 여유로울 때 아무 때나 집 안에서 할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 참선은 최소한의 노력으로 우리를 건강하게 하며 긴장과 스트레스에서 벗어나 긍정적인 환경을 창조케 하여 생산적인 삶을 살게 한다.
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